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Wall frame assembly sheets are produced by the ENDUROCADD® software during the detailing process. Below is an example of a typical wall frame assembly sheet produced by ENDUROCADD®.

6.1 Print string marking

All ENDUROWALL® parts are marked with coded print strings to assist erectors during the assembly process. This matches the part information shown on the assembly drawings. Parts are coded in the following order:


With this information, erectors can identify what the part is and where it is intended to be used in the structure.

Figure 6.1 Print string marking

For example, in the Figure 6.1 we can determine:


TPTop Plate
BPBottom Plate



2 Assembly



ENDUROWALL® is   frames are generally factory assembled or assembly assembled by a third party -parties from completely knocked down (CKD) packs.

It is important that you check all components delivered on-site against your 'Delivery Packing List' delivery packing list to ensure complete delivery. Unpack the frames and sort the frames into frame lots using the branding as a manual. Identify the studs from the branding information on the parts.

Step 1

Identify and lay the studs and lay toes down on a level surface and align as per assembly drawing. The heads, sills and noggings should be pre-notched allowing to allow parts to overlap as shown. Pre-punched holes are provided for trilobular fastener screws to connect the frames.
Locate and open matching stud and nogging / plate bundles before separating into individual frame packs.


Lift and separate stud pack onto assembly table (this example has utilised Topspan® 40 sections on concrete block stacks as an assembly table). 

Step 2 - Prepare bent tab studs

Identify and separate Endurotie® bent tab studs (90mm system only). The Endurotie® bent tab studs can be identified by the extension of the stud web section and double15mm hole punch for insertion of a frame anchor bolt (or similar).

  • Place the stud with the web down.
  • With a small cold chisel and a hammer, flatten the ribs on the rib in line with the stud flange. 
  • With a pair of duck bill pliers, bend the tab in the appropriate direction. (Refer to layout plan provided with job outputs.)

Step 3


: Lay out studs and insert into top and bottom plates

Layout all studs in sequential order, space out & orientate frame as per assembly sheet.


Align holes, fix at studs and install trilobular fastener.

Step 4 - Fix at Studs

When carrying out the primary assembly of the frame align notch holes as shown and install trilobular fastener in holes.
Align top of studs & screw fix top plate at both ends. (Where utilised, ensure Endurotie® bent tab studs are placed in the correct location and orientation. 

Twist stud into position & align fixing holes – repeat for all studs along top plate.

Step 5 - Fix at corner and install trilobular fastener

Align notch holes as shown and install trilobular fastener in holes. 

Slide noggings onto the studs from base of frame & align fixing holes. May require 2 people to slide up studs evenly.

Fix bottom plate to studs, align holes & screw fix all noggings & bottom plate connections on "Side A". (Easier to fix bottom plate on an angle, starting at one end & pinching studs into plate, working along the frame). Ensure Endurotie® bent tab stud alignment is correct.

Step 6 - Install Noggings

Position each one over the frame near their final location. Nogging height is specified in the supplied ENDUROCADD® panel drawings with the reference line to the centre line of the nogging. 

Nogging installation.

Step 7 - Fix both sides

In order to process walls efficiently, two assembly tables situated side-by-side allows walls to be flipped over so both sides can be fixed off. 

Cross check "Side A" frame layout & connections as per assembly sheet. Utilizing sufficient labour, lift & flip frame for "Side B" screw fixings.


By utilizing two adjoining assembly tables, wall fabrication can be optimized by preparing the next frame while screw fixing and checking "Side B".

Step 8 - Marking wall frames and prepare for openings

Before inserting any bracing or lintels, check the overall dimensions of the frame against the supplied Assembly Sheet. Square the frame before installing any bracing. Frames should be identified with panel number and the number of any adjoining walls at the appropriate locations. These marks should be applied to the side of the bottom plate. 

Step 9 - Install Cross Bracing

Install cross bracing as per wall assembly sheet using the nominated number of screws. Number each completed wall frame and mark the bracing locations to top & base of frames as per assembly sheet.



70mm strap brace requires two tensioners.

Step 10 - Install lintel (where required)

Fixing Angle Lintel
Image Modified

Overlay and screw fix lintel flashing to top of frame as per assembly sheet and fixing details given in the Design Manual.



Detail applies to upper story or single story only. For other scenarios, check with designer for appropriate detail drawing.

Fixing ENDUROFRAME Sections as headers

Fixing ENDUROFRAME® sections as headers


FIGURE 6.17 -  Beam Header Fixing Details

Step 11  - Stack completed wall frames before installation

Relocate completed frames to a designated stacking area.
