ENDUROFRAME Installation Checklist
ENDUROTRUSS® Assembly & Installation Manual – Latest Version
ENDUROWALL® Assembly & Installation Manual – Latest Version
ENDUROFLOOR™ Assembly & Installation Manual – Latest Version
Available for download from https://enduroframe.atlassian.net/wiki/display/IM/
1. Preliminaries
1.0.1 | All safety protocols in accordance with relevant local authority guidelines are in place | |
1.0.2 | All construction details to be in accordance with ENDUROFRAME® Installation Manuals and National Association of Steel Housing documentation | |
1.0.3 | Roofing material, ie. sheet or tile, is as per the nominated roofing type in the ENDUROTRUSS® certification sheet | |
1.0.4 | ENDUROTRUSS® and ENDUROWALL® certification sheets have been signed off by a Trained Software User or a Certified Engineer | |
1.0.5 | All loads being applied on site are as noted in the ENDUROTRUSS® and ENDUROWALL® certification sheets, including:-
2. Material
2.0.1 | All material is TRUECORE® AM150 metallic coated steel produced by BlueScope Steel Ltd | |
2.0.2 | All material is inkjet marked with ENDUROFRAME® identification |
3.0 Roof
3.1 Battens
3.1.1 | Roof batten overlaps are to manufacturers specifications | |
3.1.2 | Roof battens are installed to manufacturers recommended span and spacing and are suitable for wind zone and maximum roof cladding span. Roof battens should not exceed the maximum spacing selected in the ENDUROTRUSS® certification sheet | |
3.1.3 | Roof batten fastener type and quantity are to batten manufacturer's specification | |
3.1.4 | Truss top chord gauge meet's the requirements of the batten manufacturer's specification; |
3.2 Bracing
3.2.1 | Roof bracing installed as specified in the ENDUROTRUSS® Assembly & Installation Manual – Latest Version |
3.3 Roof Trusses
3.3.1 | No damage to roof trusses | |
3.3.2 | No modification to roof trusses - Project engineer sign off required where modifications are evident | |
3.3.3 | Common trusses to be placed as specified in the roof truss layout sheet; | |
3.3.4 | Trusses are installed plumb with a tolerance of the lesser of height/100 or 20mm | |
3.3.5 | Trusses are installed straight with a tolerance of the lesser of truss length/500 or 6mm | |
3.3.6 | Tie-down connections as per the layout sheet with correct number of screws between truss and wall plates | |
3.3.7 | Correct number of screws installed at each web to chord, and chord to chord connection | |
3.3.8 | Any required stiffening brackets fixed with the correct number of screws are in place at specified locations | |
3.3.9 | Where a truss splice is used, the correct length and number of screws are used; | |
3.3.10 | Ceiling battens should not exceed the maximum spacing selected in the ENDUROTRUSS® certification sheet | |
3.3.11 | Lateral ties provided at 2.0m max centres for any web rails (internal chords) as specified in ENDUROTRUSS® Assembly & Installation Manual – Latest Version | |
3.3.12 | Internal supports are provided as per truss design and vice versa. | |
3.3.13 | Internal wall brackets connect trusses to non-load bearing walls |
3.4 Girder Trusses
3.4.1 | Any double trusses are joined together with either a 12-14x20 fasteners through pre-punched 28mm holes in truss webs or connection bracket at each end of chord and maximum 2000mm centers. Roof battens fixed to both the trusses. | |
3.4.2 | PRYDA® TBJ-45 brackets are used to connect bridge trusses to girder trusses with screws as specified in the ENDUROTRUSS® Installation Manual |
3.5 Hip Ends
Hip Type 1 | ||
3.5.1 | Truncated trusses are correctly positioned as specified in the roof truss layout | |
3.5.2 | Hip rafter components installed in correct location with correct number of screws between trusses and wall plates | |
3.5.3 | Jack and creeper rafters are installed in the locations specified | |
3.5.4 | Suitable tie-down connections with correct number and type of screws between truss and rafters | |
Hip Type 1A | ||
3.5.5 | First truncated truss is located as specified - NOTE: First truncated truss is fabricated as a flush truss | |
3.5.6 | Truncated trusses are correctly positioned as specified in the roof truss layout | |
3.5.7 | Hip rafter components installed in correct location with correct number of screws between trusses and wall plates | |
3.5.8 | Jack and creeper rafters are installed in the locations specified | |
3.5.9 | Suitable tie-down connections with correct number and type of screws between truss and rafters | |
Hip Type 2 | ||
3.5.10 | Girder truss is placed as specified in the roof truss layout - NOTE: Bottom chord of girder truss is always boxed | |
3.5.11 | Connections for bridge trusses are fixed with specified number and type of screws | |
3.5.12 | Bridge trusses are installed to plumb with a tolerance of the lesser of height/100 or 20mm | |
3.5.13 | Suitable tie-down connections with correct number and type of screws between trusses and wall plates | |
3.5.14 | Hip rafter components installed in correct location with correct number of screws to trusses and wall plates |
3.6 Roof Features
Dutch Gable Construction | ||
3.6.1 | Dutch gable truss is installed with the rafter fixing rail facing the hip end | |
3.6.2 | Suitable tie-down connections with correct number of screws between rafters and wall plates | |
Valley construction | ||
3.6.3 | Saddle trusses (where used) are installed to plumb with a tolerance of the lesser of height/100 or 20mm | |
3.6.4 | Suitable tie-down connections with correct number and type of screws between saddles and trusses | |
Verges | ||
3.6.5 | Construction of verges is suitable for the prevailing conditions | |
3.6.6 | Suitable tie-down connections with correct number of screws |
3.7 Shear Transfer
3.7.1 | Suitable shear transfer plates are installed between trusses at maximum 1800mm c/c | |
3.7.2 | Suitable shear connections between roof structure and internal shear wall frame top plates are installed at maximum 1800mm c/c in both directions. | |
3.7.3 | Plasterboard angle/trimmer angle is used at the intersection of the ceiling batten/load bearing wall & end wall junction to support the ends of the ceiling battens. | |
3.7.4 | Internal shear walls are fixed to external walls as specified in ENDUROTRUSS® Assembly & Installation Manual – Latest Version. |
4.0 Walls
4.0.1 | Wall frames are installed plumb to all vertical faces with a tolerance of the lesser of wall height/600 or 3mm | |
4.0.2 | Wall frames are installed straight with a maximum deviation of +/- 5mm | |
4.0.3 | Tie-down brackets to floor structure are placed in locations indicated in the assembly drawings. | |
4.0.4 | Minimum edge distance for masonry anchors as specified by anchor manufacturer or project engineer | |
4.0.5 | Junctions between wall frames are fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
4.0.6 | Over straps to to top plates of wall junctions are in place and fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
4.0.7 | Opening packers are correctly located and fixed as specified | |
4.0.8 | Correct type of wall bracing is installed with specified number and type of screws in specified locations | |
4.0.9 | Where a multiple stud tie-down is utilised (Eg: Simpson HTTP-5) a 6mm non-compressible packer is to be placed between studs | |
4.0.10 | Lintels are correct for load conditions and are installed and fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
4.0.11 | Over straps to beam headers are in place and fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
4.0.12 | Common studs are placed at maximum specified spacings and fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
4.0.13 | Studs supporting point loads (Eg: girder trusses) are placed correctly and fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
4.0.14 | Noggings are placed at maximum 1350mm c/c and fixed with correct screws | |
4.0.15 | Moisture barrier to underside and outside face of external wall panels installed | |
4.0.16 | Door/window frame is designed for lateral load on the opening. |
5.0 Floors
5.0.1 | Flooring is fixed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations | |
5.0.2 | Floor trusses are positioned as specified in the floor truss layout | |
5.0.3 | Suitable connections between floor trusses and supporting beams fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
5.0.4 | Floor joists have end vertical chords attached | |
5.0.5 | Correct number of screws installed at each web to chord, and chord to chord connection | |
5.0.6 | No damage to floor trusses | |
5.0.7 | No modification to floor trusses where services are to be installed - project engineer sign off required where evident | |
5.0.8 | Size, type and location of beams suitable for the load conditions | |
5.0.9 | Suitable connections between secondary beams and supporting beams fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
5.0.10 | Truss to end wall connections fixed with correct number and type of screws | |
5.0.11 | Floor truss bottom chords are restrained at spacings specified in the Certification sheet | |
5.0.12 | Rollover restraints are applied to the ends of floor trusses. This may not be required with integrated and independent floor trusses | |
5.0.13 | Inspect for areas that may be excessively loaded not identified during design, eg. spa baths, heavy plant & equipment, etc. | |
5.0.14 | Floor trusses are properly tied to structure underneath, especially where floor trusses are under bracing, large span roof trusses, girder trusses or beams |